Principal’s Message

"Umbrella can't stop the rain, but can make us stand in the rain. Confidence may not bring success, but it gives us the power to face any challenges."

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I have been the principal of SB Arts and KCP Science PU University since 2011-12 and have had the privilege of serving the students of this institution for almost a decade. I believe that our children represent our hopes and dreams, and the future of this world lies in their positive thinking and action. I am proud to say that our management, teaching and non-teaching staff have contributed to building good character among our students. We have been consistently meeting our objectives and fulfilling the desires of the parents through our academic, cultural, and sports programs and the continuous cooperation of the well-wishers of the college.

I am also proud to say that our college offers students an excellent platform to develop human values and skills along with professional education. We strongly believe that instead of making our students book worms and mark scoring machines, it is essential to nourish their young minds with good character, endurance and virtue. The results and the achievements of our students are proof of this.

Our management has regularly developed innovative programs for students' overall development and is striving to register good results. I request all of you to utilize all these benefits and extend your support and cooperation by sending your children to our institution to help them excel academically.